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Founded in 2013, Recreational Opportunities for Aurora Residents Foundation (ROAR) is incorporated as a non-profit 501(c)(3) and is a member of the National Association of Park Foundations.


ROAR's mission is to promote the health and wellness of underserved youth living in Aurora. Qualifying applicants can obtain financial assistance to reap the many benefits of recreating!


Eligible recipients can participate in recreational non-competitive programs provided by qualified non-profits serving youth in Aurora, primarily the Recreation Division of the City’s Parks, Recreation & Open Space Department.


The group of Aurora residents who make up ROAR's board of directors believes that working together as a community, we can:

  • Reduce juvenile crime by filling the critical after school hours, when our youth are most susceptible to experimenting with tobacco, drugs and sex, with positive recreational opportunities.

  • Provide critical extra-curricular activities that foster positive behaviors and attitudes.

  • Help to mitigate the causes of lifelong chronic illness such as obesity and Type II diabetes by establishing positive health and wellness habits at an early age.

  • Help to bridge the economic gap that exists in our community between those who can afford often costly recreation program opportunities and those who cannot by expanding the options available through financial assistance.

  • Provide an opportunity for underserved Aurora youth to realize active and healthy lifestyles.


Since 2013, ROAR has allowed Aurora’s youth to participate in programs offered by the City's Recreation Service Division, who may not otherwise participate due to financial constraints. The ever expanding Board of Directors has higher goals and expectations going forward and with community help these can be achieved.


The program requires that a family lives in Aurora or that he child attends school in Aurora and be referred to ROAR by a referral representative (City’s Recreation Division, schools, social service agencies, faith based agencies, medical or mental health providers, or some other community organization based in Aurora) who has a working knowledge of the child and the family’s financial situation. Any child on free or reduced lunch or in foster care is automatically eligible.


The program does not operate on strict income requirements and will accept applications in the event of extenuating family circumstances such as a parent or guardian who recently became unemployed, unexpected large medical bills, a recent divorce, a parent or guardian in jail, etc. In some instances, the ROAR Board will consider referrals for an adult who may need to assist the youth participant in a recreation program.


We have received funding from Paul Suss of Suss Buick/GMC, Bellco Credit Union, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mullen, Frances and Robert Krech, Sherry Stumbaugh, Alice Payne, Molly Markert, the Aurora Chamber, Mile High Behavioral Health, FirstBank, Peggy Kerns, Tapp's Garage, Community Shares of Colorado, and Melcor/TC Aurora, LLC. ROAR has been awarded a grant from the Denver Foundation and six grants from Walmart. 


While you are here please go to our Donate page to help us serve more kids. Thank you.




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